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Family Man. Entrepreneur. Advocate.

I am Ovie Mughelli - Strategic Business Partner, Inspiring Speaker and Sustainability Leader. My name is pronounced (Oh-vee-yah) which means ‘King’ in my parents native tongue of Uhrobo. Most people know me as a 2X All Pro NFL veteran having played for the Baltimore Ravens and Atlanta Falcons over a span of nine seasons. During my sophomore year in the NFL, I got injured and was told that I would never fully recover. I used this as motivation to become one of the highest paid fullbacks in the league at the time. Currently, I educate and provide solutions in the healthcare space to help practitioners and corporate decision makers offer better services to patients and employees while improving overall profitability.


On the personal side, I have a love for life and good energy. My children are my biggest inspiration and keep me grounded. I have been singing in the church choir since I was a child and have sang lead in the NFLPA (NFL Players Association) men’s choir. Although I am relentless in my pursuits and extremely strong-willed, I easily connect with others through empathy and laughter. I spend my downtime on outings with my children, gaming, and catching a good movie with my wife, Masika. I am passionate about exploring ways to prepare my children for adulthood and being a devoted husband.


We all know that success can be defined in a plethora of ways, but for me, true success comes down to peace and happiness and being able to adequately provide for my family. I firmly believe in doing unto others as I would have them do unto me. I want to be known as someone who gave more than I took and who always added more value to those that I encountered - specifically the youth.

What’s one thing I’ve learned about entrepreneurship? Much like playing professional sports, it is extremely volatile with ‘Hail Marys’ inevitably becoming an integral part of the process when you firmly believe in your mission. With my speaking platform, I encourage anyone preparing to venture out on their own to do extensive research and expect failure and adversity along the way. But, condition your mind to come back stronger than the first time. Lead with perseverance, exercise wisdom, and don’t make the same mistake twice. And, this message doesn’t just apply to business owners. If you are a forward thinking professional and wish to be in the top 5% amongst your colleagues, outwork everyone else (smartly) and you will, undoubtedly, achieve your desired results.

- Ovie

I value 'Honesty'.

I always hope that people will tell me the truth so that we can start to forge a genuine bond. I whole-heartedly believe in transparent and direct communication, yet also understand that if both parties determine that we aren’t a good fit, it’s okay and we can move forward amicably.

I value 'Empathy'.

I take time to step into a person’s shoes in order to understand where they are coming from and really relate to them. I give them exactly what they say they need or I create a safe space for them to develop and grow. I have found that I have a better idea of what that ‘first step’ should look like for the individual if I take time to connect on a deeper level.

I value 'Mutual Respect'.

I believe that people should be valued for who they are and what they bring to the table no matter their background. At the very minimum, we should all exercise the ‘golden rule’ - treat others the way we each desire to be treated.

I value 'Family'.

I hold the highest regard for family because of the ways I witnessed my parents sacrifice for me and my siblings to ensure we always felt loved. I charge myself with doing the same for my children and wife while also creating a family culture for my support teams in the workplace. 

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